Man in its excruciating pain,
daily seeks healing from various sources.
Who can bring the analgesia?
Who can help solve his puzzles?
Swallowed in the mist of hussle,
He looks up wondering...
''Are there no Physicians?"
The young no longer have vision.
The old have forgotten their dreams.
Children are without hope and aspirations,
Men and women without direction.
They have lost the purpose of the creation,
Only awaiting the surgeons hand.
"Are there no Physicians?"
Alas, where are the light bearers?
Virtues are atrophying.
And vices are hypertrophying.
Evil and vices anastomose.
Who can perform the by-pass ?
Less our society undergo necrosis.
"Are there no Physicians?"
Darkness has taken our Generation.
Myopic independence is the state of men.
Who can remove the cataract?
Are there still Israelites in this Babylon?
Man wallows in darkness,
Looming in this wonderland.
"Are there no Physicians?''
What has gone wrong with the parts of the Vine.
Could It be Ischaemia or infarction.
The world in its constipated state seeks for laxatives.
If only It could be purged of all worries.
Can the 'ancient ruins ever be rebuilt'?
Where is the Balm of Gilead?
"Are there no Physicians?"
Can we still get hearts pounding for God?
Hearts ablaze for Christ no matter the odds.
If only the excitation can have a right source.
If only the terms and conditions of the trade could be their companion.
Our society gasps for air.
The heart and the lungs no longer have connections.
In the quest for reconciliation it cries out.
''Are there still Physicians?"
Daniel Okpani
Department of Medicine,
University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH),
Benin City, Nigeria.