Thursday, 1 June 2017


Physical changes are typically the most pronounced short-term symptoms as they are not easily concealed by the novice user and include:

1-Unusually greasy hair or oily skin (often with stretch marks on the inner joints)

2-Small red or purplish acne, including breakouts on the shoulders and back

3-Gynocomastia, the abnormally excessive development of the breast tissue in males

 4-Persistent bad breath

5-Thinning hair throughout the head or receding hairline (male pattern baldness)

6-Increased length and thickness in hair (on body parts other than the head)

 7-Hair loss in bed, shower, comb or brush

8-Jaundice or yellowing of the skin; this signals liver damage

9-Skin eruptions and infections, such as abscesses and cysts

10-Drastic appetite shifts (extreme hunger or lessened/loss of appetite)

11-Joint pain; greater chance of injuring muscles and tendons

12-Disrupted sleep patterns (not sleeping well or sleeping too much)

13-Fluid level changes, bloating (face & body), and night sweating

14-Dizziness, trembling, nausea or vomiting

15-Rapid or progressive weight gain

16-Increased muscle size (sudden or progressive)

17-Hyperactivity or lethargy (too little energy)

18-Trouble urinating; discoloration or blood in urine

19-Rare and occasional side effects

 20-Steroid abusers often experience mood swings Personality and Psychiatric changes often happen suddenly and without visible triggers or reasons. They include:

1-Extreme mood swings

2-Increased aggression or irritability

 3-Becomes disrespectful or abusive (verbally and/or physically)

4-Poor decision making stemming from feelings of invincibility

5-Becomes secretive and/or starts lying

6-Withdraws from family members 7-Depression (usually when steroids are discontinued) 8-Hallucinations - seeing or hearing things that aren't there 9-Paranoia - extreme feelings of mistrust or fear Social changes may be mistaken for natural teenage distancing or independence.


1-Closes and/or locks bedroom door more often

2-Takes longer showers or baths (this time is often used for injecting)

3-Phone conversations become more private

4-Begins receiving more packages in the mail

 5-Asks for money more often, or has more money than usual

6-Is stealing or losing belongings

7-Begins taking naps and/or falls asleep in class

 8-Loss of focus or concentration (at work, school or home)

9-Decline in grades

10-Forgets plans, dates and activities

11-Loss of interest in friends, or suddenly gains new friends 

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That I will maintain this sacred trust holding myself afar, aloof from wrong, from corrupting, from tempting others to crime.” The forego...