We all look up from our Netter’s anatomy books and our cadavers.
The smell of formaldehyde burns my nose as the fluorescent lights flicker above.
“We have explored the chest cavity and the abdominal cavity.
It is now time to move onto the extremities, starting with the arms.
I want you to unwrap the arms and study the anatomy of the arms and the hands.
I’ll come by each group to go over exactly what I want you to do.
Okay, everyone, let’s get started,” he says. I turn to my group. “Who wants to do the unwrapping?” “I’ll do it,” Eric says.
He begins to slowly unwrap the right arm, taking care to carefully furl up the gauze.
He moves onto the left arm, repeating the same motions.
With each unfurl, we see more skin, and then we see the hands. My heart skips a beat as I stare at the hands. The skin has a greyish pallor. The veins cross the thin, translucent skin like a spider web. The fingers are skinny and long, perfect for playing